Sunday, September 9, 2007

"I am a new teacher...

I need ideas about long term planning and managing my time, I am also taking Grad courses at night, and can barely plan for more than a day ahead, my mentor said I have to begin planning for at least 2weeks ahead of time...I am getting very stress. Please help me!"

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Approach planning as what you are going to do, not how you are going to do it. Even if you only come up with a list of topics, it's a start. Coming up with everything is probably not going to happen for a while. (I'm on my fourth year teaching, I'm lucky to get a week organized at a time, haven't even attempted two.)

Is there anyone else around who teaches the same classes that you can sit down with and plan? Having a buddy during planning time REALLY helps!

Good Luck!