Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Learning Journals

I introduced learning journals to one of my 5 classes. I plan on using them in all of my 9th grade classes. Students will write a brief summary/reflection at the end of each class.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Social Studies Simulation- Capitalism

This simulation I created helps students understands the forces that influence decisions in a capitalist, or market based, economy.

Some students assume the role of a business owner, while others are job seekers. How rational are decisions in a market economy? What happens to the winners and the losers? Is a market economy fair?

Explore these and other questions when you use this simulation to provide a hands on activity in basic economics.

I've posted it on our yahoo page.

(created by Mike)

Teachers Walking for Health

What are you exercise goals for the week? Did you walk today?

"I am a new teacher...

I need ideas about long term planning and managing my time, I am also taking Grad courses at night, and can barely plan for more than a day ahead, my mentor said I have to begin planning for at least 2weeks ahead of time...I am getting very stress. Please help me!"

click comments to respond

Friday, September 7, 2007

You Can't Go Wrong with Jeopardy

Get your hands on this classic game and help your students review while having fun, a winning combination!

Join our yahoo page and save the file or email me ideaexchange@yahoo.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Exciting Review Game

Tired of playing the same old review games? Incorporate this game board into your unit and watch your students smile, laugh, and, most importantly, demonstrate their learning.
I have directions printed to teach you how to use this learning tool tomorrow, if you choose.

See "How can I get my hands on these files?" below.

If you're a member (no charge) go to our yahoo group page and copy the files.

Note- This file includes questions for a unit review I did. They serve as an example. Delete them and add your own :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Take Care of Yourself!

Don't just plan your next day's lessons. Plan a healthy lunch and bring lots of energy boosting snacks with you to school each day.

And, of course, make sure you are getting enough sleep and are eating a great breakfast each day.

Are you exercising?

A sick, tired, or hungry teacher is often ineffective no matter how great his/her lesson plans are.

Share snack and meal ideas in the space below. How do you maintain balance in your life?

Monday, September 3, 2007

Jack, a Life Skills teacher working in a block schedule, could use...

some good tips to break things up. I do mostly direct teaching. I would like to establish some routines to do each class, but have been at a loss for ideas for my math and healthyliving/ ADL classes.

click on comments to post a response

Some Tips on Writing Behavioral Objectives

I found this document a while ago;the author does a nice job explaining how to write effective learning objectives. I am definitely going to review this, as I begin the new year.

ideaexchange@yahoo.com if interested

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Strategies Log

This document comes from a grad school class I had a few years ago, Reading in the Content Area. It contains 40 teaching strategies that can be used to teach any subject. Some we all know, but others you may not be familiar with. Check it out!

email me at ideaexchange@yahoo.com for access to the "vault."

How can I get my hands on these files???


You have to join the group, but once you do you can access and add to the files.

This space will only be used for file sotrage; discussions will occur on this site.

If you take something from the file, please add a file or two :)

Share Two, Gain Many

Do you have two assignments, lessons, or handouts that you would like to share with others? Contact me and gain access to other teachers’ materials. In an instant, significantly increase your access to quality materials, for free. Email me at ideaexchange@yahoo.com

Reading Strategy Handout

This handout describes a reading strategy that I call a read/write. It is based on the SQ3R method of reading and in one page explains to students how to complete an assignment using this strategy.

I’ve had success wit it, but it takes time to teach students how to create meaningful questions that touch on the key ideas of a section. Check it out! Email me for the document ideaexchange@yahoo.com.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Graphic Organizer to Use while Planning

This tool created by Mike helps you to think about what you're going to teach, why you're going to teach it, and how you're going to assess it.

You plan more efficiently by constructing an assessment while planning, no more last minute test construction!

Additionally, it helps you to think about whether you are tapping into students' multiple intelligences, and if you can make the objective more challenging. All on one page!

email ideaexchange@yahoo.com for this powerful planning tool.

How to Join

It's free. Send an email to ideaexchange@yahoo.com

Provide username
Grades you teach
Subjects you've taught

Other members will open up their files to help you out!

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Friday, August 31, 2007

What resources are you searching for?

In the comment box, let us know what materials you need.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

What tips do you have for planning ahead? Beyond a few days, I really am weak at planning units.

Post your Questions in this Comment Box

Post your Question in this Comment Box or email me at ideaexchange@yahoo.com and I will post it and get some answers for you :)

Questions about the Site

Rich asks
" What will distinguish your site from the many many other sites with identical goals that are already out there?"

As I receive emails from people, I am categorizing them by subject area. When someone has a subject specific question I will send it to all of the people who are on the list for that subject.

Everyone will be able to see your question and respond at their own convenience.

Their responses will be posted on my site. I will not give away anyone's email.

This strategy works particularly well for teachers who don't frequent a message board like teachers.net but are more than willing to help if they receive a direct question via email. Am I reinventing the wheel? I don't think so, but obviously those who try it will have to judge for themselves :)


Mike (founder)- 6 years teaching: social studies (west. civ, global studies, psychology, sociology, global studies, government, economics-this year for the first time)

Gene- member since 8/30/07, retired science (earth, oceanography)
"I am a retired science (earth and oceanography) teacher with some pretty hot lessons gathering dust waiting to be sought out. Always willing to offer ideas and tips when they are needed."

Pam- member since 8/30/07, 8 through 12, computer applications, keyboarding, web design

jasonmorin- member since 8/31/07, 10+ years experience, k-12 certified, sci/math major, inner-city and rural experience, college education teacher.
"I like your idea for helping people 'work smarter.' "

Laura- member since 9/01/07, first year Spanish teacher, 9th grade

Zodea- member since 9/01/07, 4 years experience, science (general science, biology, chemistry, physics)

Andrea- member since 9/02/07, 5th grade, all subjects

Karyn- member since 9/03/07, 9-12 social studies

Tammie - student teacher

grammerteacher- 5th and 6th grade language arts and social studies

sublimesara- 6th grade language arts

First Post

Teachers, especially all of you newbies, this is going to evolve into a dynamic site where teachers can exchange lessons, strategies, and tips.

If you are interested send an email to ideaexchange@yahoo.com

Please provide a user name, an email (I will not share with anyone or send you spam), and a specific request for a lesson, strategy, or tip.

For example, I need a lesson on World War I. Or I need a group activity that will teach the concept of capitalism, as you can tell I'm a history teacher. You could even request a tip, such as "what are three ways you differentiate instruction?" or "how can I get my students to participate more frequently?".

I am really excited about this concept and look forward to hearing from you :)